Innovative NETTAG+ Technology Successfully Tracks Lost Fishing Gear in North Sea Trials

This spring, the NETTAG+ team achieved a significant milestone with their acoustic transponder technology designed to locate lost fishing gear. Extensive testing was conducted in the North Sea by Newcastle University and Succorfish Ltd aboard the research vessel RV Princess Royal, focusing on the range, reliability, and accuracy of the transponders.

First Trial: Range Testing

The initial trial carried out an exhaustive range test on the transponder technology, with reliable range measurements achieved at regular intervals from directly above up to a maximum horizontal range of 2.7 km. This trial confirmed the technology’s ability to provide accurate location data over considerable distances.

Prof Jeff Neasham and Dr Ben Sherlock of Newcastle University deploying NetTag receivers from the RV Princess Royal

Second Trial: Prototype Evaluation

The second trial exercised pre-production prototype transponders, surface location unit and positioning app, in mock operations to locate lost gear. The system proved able to pinpoint the location of two items of “gear”, from starting positions > 2km away, in a matter of minutes. This enabled the skipper of the vessel to navigate to within metres of their true position. This trial also provided valuable feedback on the deployment of the surface unit and the operation of the app, guiding the design of the forthcoming commercial products.

Positioning app developed by Succorfish Ltd

These successful trials underscore the effectiveness of NETTAG+ technology in preventing the loss of fishing gear, paving the way for more sustainable fishing practices.

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